網拍開始有在賣 DW 1
不過原廠似乎還在用 Z1
問題是說, 以前的車都是用 Z1, 而且還有些 Z1 零頭庫存怎辦?
用 google 找了一下, 似乎沒有問題可以混著用....
Found this info from Honda on the Acura site:
"A new ATF is now available for all Honda vehicles. Honda ATF DW-1 was developed with the intention of improving low temperature fuel economy. DW-1 is capable of maintaining a lower viscosity at lower temperatures resulting in less energy required to move the vehicle during the warm-up period. High/normal temperature viscosity remains the same as the current ATF-Z1.
Factory Fill - All 2011+ MY Honda vehicles will come with ATF-DW1.
Mixing - Automatic Transmissions currently filled with ATF-Z1 can be filled or topped off with ATF-DW1. Mixing the two fluids will not negatively affect performance.
Storage - Dealers using bulk storage systems can mix the new ATF-DW1 with the old ATF-Z1 if necessary. However it is recommended that the existing stock of ATF-Z1 be depleted before refilling with ATF-DW1 as mixing the two does deplete the performance advantages of the DW-1."